The following themes were identified for discussion
- Terrorism and legal response
- Children affected by caste, ethnic and terrorist violence.
- Constitutional values and layers role.
- Migration issues
- Communal violence
- Position of weaker sections during communal violence
- Victims of communal violence and legal protection
The discussion was chaired by Dr. M.S. Soundara Pandian, Director, School of Excellence in Law, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai. Mr. P. Sakthivel, The NSS Programme Officer, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, has organized it. Teaching; Non-teaching and NSS volunteers have actively participated in the discussion.
The discussion was started with an address by the Chair Person. In his address he enlightened the various mandate given by the Constitution. He also summarized the various implementing mechanisms which are existing in India. He concluded the role of lawyers and law students in particular for making appropriate measures to improve communal harmony.
The NSS Programme Officer has expressed his concern on the primary importance of education to make communal harmony amongst the people. He also stressed the how the language is a barrier for making communal harmony. He highlighted when the candidates of IIMs and IITs have an opportunity to write the entrance exams in Hindi and take the courses in Engligh why not the linguistic minority candidates are not allowed to take up the entrance examinations in regional languages.
Mr. C. Elayaraja, Assistant Professor of Law, has remarkably highlighted the role of religion and religious believes for making communal harmony among the citizens. He also stressed importance of self-determination of the people. He specifically summarized the difference between internal disturbance and terrorism.
Mr. S. Elumalai, Assistant Professor of Law, has stressed the role of family and family values to make communal harmony. He has highlighted the contribution of Vedas and other Tamil Literature to make harmony among the individual. He remarkably quoted the importance of Thirukkural and all traditional moral stories for making individual as humane. He concluded by saying Spiritualism and Humanism are the guiding principles for making communal harmony.
Mr. S. Amirthalingam, Assistant Professor of Law, has pointed out how the minorities are enjoying unfettered fundamental freedoms for promoting their religion, language and caste. In most cases, education helps to deteriorate the people rather make peaceful life where he highlighted the role played by Karmaveerar Kamaraj. He concluded there should be a constitutional amendment for making some restrictions both in Part III and Schedule VIII of the Constitution of India.
Ms. R. Haritha Devi, Assistant Professor of Law, has remarkably made a view and stressed how the language to be used as a tool for making communal harmony among the children. The school children have more opportunity to learn too many languages at this young age which will contribute to make communal harmony in the years to come.
Ms. P. Brinda, Assistant Professor of Law, has stressed the need of moral and spiritual classes both in the school and colleges. The present system of education is not at all formulated for teaching moral and ethical values of the society. She concluded, with a remark the present educational system to be revamped.
Mr. C. Deepak, IV – A, B.A.B.L., (Hons) has remarkably stressed when he had been as a school student who had been trained with moral education. The present educational systems to be strengthened with moral principles.
Mr. K.S. Dinesh, , IV – A, B.A.B.L., (Hons) has pointed out the contribution of the school education in promoting communal harmony. He concluded by saying, besides an acquiring the book knowledge by the students they should feel themselves as human being without which no positive development in the society.
Mr. S. R. Karthikeyan, IV – A, B.A.B.L., (Hons) has stressed the role of parents and family for making communal harmony. Due to an economic thrust among the parents the children are lacking the morality and family value. Hence, the parents should understand their active role in the promotion of society.
Faculty members and students finally agreed on the following aspects,
- Value based education must be provided to young minds to develop communal harmony.
- Language sentiments must be respected and they must be given due legal sanctions.
- Terrorism must be understood in proper perspective and communities should not be victimized
- Constitutional values must be respected and lawyers should take up legal literacy programmes in this regard.
The students went to Madras High Court and made communal harmony campaign and fund rising. The students have collected sum of Rs. 1800. A painting competition was held with the title ‘communal harmony’.
The following students were declared as winners of painting competition.
- P.G.Kamala(1st )
- Kaavya Rajaram(2nd )
- G.Thiyagarajan(3rd)
Organized by
[1], An autonomous organization with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India
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